about us

about serendipity
After raising our three daughters to a certain level of independence, I often found myself wanting to own a store of my own. Throughout a period of time after I gained more retail experience and knowledge, the right doors opened that finally gave me the opportunity to open a clothing/gift/accessory store. Because of my extreme passion for everyday things that make women smile, trying to focus that energy to just one area seemed overwhelmingly difficult. I wanted to do it all, which is why my aim has become to simply do “things we love.” A soft fragrance, a fun outfit, a card that says it all, a scented candle that reminds you of a certain event, a spot-on gift for that special friend: all of these become the things we love. What a fortunate discovery.
My passions have sometimes been hard to pin down and put into words, which led me all the way outside of the English language! The Danish word hygge (pronounced “hyoo-gah”) doesn’t translate very well into English, but it’s truly what we at Serendipity are all about: the art of coziness.
Living hygge isn’t just about surrounding yourself with the cozy things in life—although they add to it. Living hygge is about the warm atmosphere of being fully here right now with good people around you. For everyone, hygge can be different. For some, it’s a cup of coffee with your best friend in the middle of the day without worry of where you need to get to next. For others it can be just cuddling close on a rainy night . It’s about appreciating each moment—especially the small ones—and finding reassurance in simplicity, in familiarity. Hygge, in short, is living well and weaving our loved ones and the things we love into our everyday dwelling.
We hope that you hygge here with us.